The Story Of The Merchant And The Genie
Sire, there was once upon a time a merchant who possessed great wealth, in land and merchandise, as well as in ready mon...
The Story Of The First Old Man And Of The Hind
I am now going to begin my story (said the old man), so please attend. This hind that you see with me is my wife. We hav...
The Story Of The Second Old Man And Of The Two Black Dogs
Great prince of the genii, you must know that we are three brothers– these two black dogs and myself. Our father died, l...
The Story Of The Fisherman
Sire, there was once upon a time a fisherman so old and so poor that he could scarcely manage to support his wife and th...
The Story Of The Greek King And The Physician Douban
In the country of Zouman, in Persia, there lived a Greek king. This king was a leper, and all his doctors had been unabl...
The Story Of The Husband And The Parrot
A good man had a beautiful wife, whom he loved passionately, and never left if possible. One day, when he was obliged by...
The Story Of The Vizir Who Was Punished
There was once upon a time a king who had a son who was very fond of hunting. He often allowed him to indulge in this pa...
The Story Of The Young King Of The Black Isles
You must know, sire, that my father was Mahmoud, the king of this country, the Black Isles, so called from the four litt...
The Story Of The Three Kalendars, Sons Of Kings, And Of Five Ladies Of Baghdad
In the reign of the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid, there lived at Baghdad a porter who, in spite of his humble calling, was a...
The Story Of The First Kalendar, Son Of A King
In order, madam, to explain how I came to lose my right eye, and to wear the dress of a kalendar, you must first know th...
The Story Of The Second Kalendar, Son Of A King
"Madam," said the young man, addressing Zobeida, "if you wish to know how I lost my right eye, I shall have to tell you ...
The Story Of The Envious Man And Of Him Who Was Envied
In a town of moderate size, two men lived in neighbouring houses; but they had not been there very long before one man t...
Story Of The Third Kalendar, Son Of A King
My story, said the Third kalendar, is quite different from those of my two friends. It was fate that deprived them of th...
The Seven Voyages Of Sinbad The Sailor
In the times of the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid there lived in Baghdad a poor porter named Hindbad, who on a very hot day w...
The First Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
I had inherited considerable wealth from my parents, and being young and foolish I at first squandered it recklessly upo...
The Second Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
I had resolved, as you know, on my return from my first voyage, to spend the rest of my days quietly in Baghdad, but ver...
The Third Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
After a very short time the pleasant easy life I led made me quite forget the perils of my two voyages. Moreover, as I w...
The Fourth Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
Rich and happy as I was after my third voyage, I could not make up my mind to stay at home altogether. My love of tradin...
The Fifth Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
Not even all that I had gone through could make me contented with a quiet life. I soon wearied of its pleasures, and lon...
The Sixth Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
It must be a marvel to you how, after having five times met with shipwreck and unheard of perils, I could again tempt fo...
The Seventh And Last Voyage Of Sinbad The Sailor
After my sixth voyage I was quite determined that I would go to sea no more. I was now of an age to appreciate a quiet l...
The Little Hunchback
In the kingdom of Kashgar, which is, as everybody knows, situated on the frontiers of Great Tartary, there lived long ag...
The Story Of The Barbers Fifth Brother
As long as our father lived Alnaschar was very idle. Instead of working for his bread he was not ashamed to ask for it e...
The Story Of The Barbers Sixth Brother
There now remains for me to relate to you the story of my sixth brother, whose name was Schacabac. Like the rest of us, ...
Noureddin And The Fair Persian
Balsora was the capital of a kingdom long tributary to the caliph. During the time of the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid the k...
Aladdin And The Wonderful Lamp
There once lived a poor tailor, who had a son called Aladdin, a careless, idle boy who would do nothing but play all day...
The Adventures Of Haroun-Al-Raschid, Caliph Of Baghdad
The Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid sat in his palace, wondering if there was anything left in the world that could possibly gi...
The Story Of The Blind Baba-Abdalla
I was born, Commander of the Faithful, in Baghdad, and was left an orphan while I was yet a very young man, for my paren...
The Story Of Sidi-Nouman
The Caliph, Haroun-al-Raschid, was much pleased with the tale of the blind man and the dervish, and when it was finished...
The Story Of Ali Colia, Merchant Of Baghdad
In the reign of Haroun-al-Raschid, there lived in Baghdad a merchant named Ali Cogia, who, having neither wife nor child...
The Enchanted Horse
It was the Feast of the New Year, the oldest and most splendid of all the feasts in the Kingdom of Persia, and the day h...
Shariar And Scheherazade - The 1001 Nights
In the chronicles of the ancient dynasty of the Sassanidae, who reigned for about four hundred years, from Persia to the...